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We believe that God has called us to equip the Kids of Valley View Church to know the Lord Jesus personally, train them in the authority of His Word, teach them to walk in faith, and serve Him in our homes, school and community. We strive to show the true love of Jesus and cultivate a spirit of worship where children feel safe, loved, and have fun!

Jennifer Ogle

Jeremy Vick

Keri Phillips
Age Groups.

PRE-K. +

FAQ's. how can we help?
The purpose of our check-in process is, first and foremost, for safety. We'll be sure to get your contact number in case we need to contact you for any reason Following service, you'll have to come check your child out to take them with you!
What about Check-In?
Safety is our priority from beginning to end. It begins with our thorough check-in process. Once service begins, we lock the stairwell doors and our security team is keeping watch over every entrance and hallway throughout service.
What about my child's safety?
Do I need to drop anything
off with my child?
Nope! Unless there's something that makes him/her feel better to have with them! Or if there's any medication/inhaler, etc. that your child can use on his/her own.
Do your volunteers undergo
background checks?
Absolutely. We have put together a firm system where our volunteers go through a background check before they can even assist on Sundays & Wednesdays.
What can my child expect in KIDS Church?
They can expect to encounter Jesus and have fun doing it! Each time we gather, our goal is to create a place where your child can have a blast playing games & building relationships. Our ultimate goal is that they would encounter the love of Jesus and walk with Him for the rest of their lives.
NO WORRIES! If you're child has allergies, be sure that you let us know at check-in, and also give us the eppy pen/benedryl to have in case the unexpected happens!
My child has allergies.
If your child is sick, please keep them at home. While we love nothing more than hanging out with your kiddos on Sundays and Wednesdays, we definitely don't need everyone getting sick! Get better, then come hang!
What if my child is sick?
What if my child needs me
during KIDS church?
During our check-in process, we are sure to get a contact number of the parent/guardian of each child. If we need you, we'll text you. If you don't respond, we'll text again. If you still don't, we'll come into service and get you!
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